【即日起~12/26】 OC17新生書院籌備人員招募開跑 | Please click-in for English version

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11/28() 12:30 @ 沃思空間(二活三樓)

11/30() 12:30 @ 沃思空間(二活三樓)




The recruitment of 2024 First-year Student Orientation Camp is open for enrollment.

Welcome to the everyone interested in 17th First-year Orientation Camp!

Let's go to the recruitment brochure and find out which positions are open now.

If you want to know more about the program, you can also attend the Explanatory meetings on 11/28 and 11/30!


★ Explanatory meetings:

11/28(Tue.) 12:30 @ Second Student Activity Center, Cospace

11/30(Thu.) 12:30 @ Second Student Activity Center, Cospace

Explanatory meetings Registration : https://forms.gle/WJ8pyS1iCtu7TcHu9
※ We will provide simple lunch on site.


★ Organizer Registration Information

Organizer Registration PeriodToday-2023/12/26

Recruitment Brochure : https://reurl.cc/3e9r8V

Organizer Registration Formhttps://forms.gle/EyGEw8c2M3wuEACP8


Interview Schedule

Interview Notification2023/12/29-2023/12/31

Interview Time2024/01/02-2024/01/04

(The interview will last approximately 15-30 minutes. Please come prepared after familiarizing yourself with the brochure.)
瀏覽人次 18